Made In America

Americans are disillusioned! We are marketed to think that we are “all that” by the names we wear on our backs, arms and by what we drive although we really may not own a thing.  There was a time when we took prided in “Made in America” being displayed on our purchases, but not today. Being a small business owner, it never ceases to amaze me at the women/men who tout “I only wear designer this and that!” or I only shop here or there to assign their financial status as if this truly ranks us.

Ticket on the toll road – In April of 2011 I was in Florida travelling to my granddaughter’s funeral and rented a car. My  arrangements were made in Alabama along with my flight and hotel to take advantage of package savings. I am, by nature, having experienced hard times, not a careless person.  I read the small print at the airport rental booth offering me to purchase a $20.00 toll card to drive on .50 cent toll roads. Well, I drove on a total of 4 toll roads paying my $2.00 for certain. A month after, I notice on my American Express monthly statement a $25.00 toll booth ticket for non-payment. I would never, I mean never, drive through a toll both and not pay 0.50 cents. Why? I am a business owner, home owner, insurance paying, driver license owning American? I know the ticket agencies will penalize me for failure to pay. And I, being me, could use that $24.50 to buy something I could have and keep, not give for nothing.

Could America be in such debt that it has sold toll roads and a lot of its land? – Do you think it could it be a plot of our government to fine certain individuals that they think will not question, what they are be charged with? Yes! We do not know what we are dealing with or facing. America use to be the land of the free but no longer is it the land of the free unless it is in Christ and your YOU is fully grounded, spiritually.

A form of slavery – This is a very down economy and the employment/financial stability is certainly questionable for all of us. Working daily for companies, whose CEO and presidents we may never know but still we walk with out-stretched necks and speak with pride of working here or there but the truth be told, there is no promise. When the role is called for the last man working, your name may be the first to receive a pink slip. Know who provides your provision!!!

Just this evening, plowing through massive amounts of stuff I haven’t seen or used for months helped me realize just how unaware I am of how I respect what I have worked hard for (Money). I am imprisoned by the disarray of disorganization because of the lack of room I have to store (house) stuff I don’t need.  A part of the slavery I have bound myself in is not being my best me. Not being intentional with my choices. Daily I spend unnecessary time looking for things that are ill-fitting and unflattering mistakes I purchased out of habit or because I thought it was a sale I couldn’t turn down. It’s not a sale if you don’t need it, I can hear my husband saying. The merchant is happy I am sure, after all, he has my money, I have his clutter.

Master, Create, Build, Have – What are you the author of, what do you create, what do you really own? Do you search yourself deeply to find the core of the emotional attachment to the things you work your fingers to the bone for??? The day will come when the world as we see it today, will cease to exist and be no more. Man will not be able to buy or sell, then what? Where will you lay your head, where and who will you work for? Whose designer named apparel will you wear and speak of? Made in China, Japan?????? Where? And the MERCHANTS of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.  And the world will marvel at the world’s addiction to abundance and wax coldly.

Freedom – Get out of debt. Minimize your potential fall. Wear this world loosely and be not conformed to the things of this world. Only what we do for Christ will last and in the great getting up morning fair ye well!