Should I Wear This

Often times the mornings bring much confusion when I stand in
front of my dis-organized closet that is a plethora of sizes, styles, and
colors. Its funny because I am sure like me, perhaps you to have found
something at your favorite department store of even while thrifting that you
thought you could not live without just to get home and find it just does not
suit you well. Additionally, some items I purchased were emotional spur of the
moment selection that today do not represent my best ME!

As a youthful, Christian woman, I don’t want to dress like an
un-stylish old lady but by the same token, it is my responsibility to show
myself as a vessel where God would comfortably reside.
So…………………….there are times when I have to stop for a minute and
consider how my choices could influence someone in a positive or negative

Tips – think about this when you are making wardrobe selections:

  1. Ask yourself is this garment structured or un-structured, meaning:  what type of undergarment will be needed for this dress, skirt, slacks, or top  for me to have that pulled together, polish look. Its not attractive to see anyone in garments that are ill fitting and overly exposing all the wrong parts 🙂
  2. Am I comfortable wearing this item and does it suit my figure  (don’t force it, if you have to lay on the bed to pull on those jeans, you need  another size)
  3. Can this garment walk me in any door
  4. What about the color – some colors brighten complexions and make  you feel happy, cheerful and bright. do I have enough of these colors in my wardrobe  without looking outlandish. And really you don’t have to have purple hair or colors that look totally un-natural
  5. Would the queen wear this – We are royalty and heirs of the most,  so “How do I look” in this selection, for sure………………….

I could go on and on but I think you get my gist. It is important  for us to give thought to how we look and be certain that our look represents  Christianity and us in our best LIGHT!

Check out Shari Braendel’s site on self representation and dress!

My V and I approve this message!!! Let me know what you think.