Food for Thought

I grew up with practical parents. A mother, God love her, who washed
aluminum foil after she cooked in it, then reused it. She was the original
recycle queen, before they had a name for it… A father who was happier
getting old shoes fixed than buying new ones.

Their marriage was good, their dreams focused. Their best friends lived
barely a wave away.

I can see them now, Dad in trousers, tee shirt and a hat and Mom in a house
dress, lawn mower in one hand, and dish-towel in the other. It was the time
for fixing things.. A curtain rod, the kitchen radio, screen door, the oven
door, the hem in a dress. Things we keep.

It was a way of life, and sometimes it made me crazy.. All that re-fixing,
eating, renewing, I wanted just once to be wasteful. Waste meant affluence.
Throwing things away meant you knew there would always be more.

But then my mother died, and on that clear summer’s night, in the warmth of
the hospital room, I was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes
there isn’t any more.

Sometimes, what we care about most gets all used up and goes away…never to
return.. So… While we have it….. it’s best we love it…. And care for
it… And fix it when it’s broken……… And heal it when it’s sick.

This is true for marriage……. And old cars….. And children with bad
report cards….. And dogs with bad hips…. And aging parents….. And
grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth
Some things we keep. Like a best friend that moved away or a classmate we
grew up with.

There are just some things that make life important, like people we know who
are special…….. And so, we keep them close!

I received this from someone who thinks I am a ‘keeper’, so I’ve sent it to
the people I think of in the same way… Now it’s your turn to send this to
those people that are “keepers” in your life. Good friends are like stars…
 You don’t always see them, but you know they are always there. Keep them


1…. God won’t ask what kind of car you drove. He’ll ask how many people
you drove who didn’t have transportation..

2…. God won’t ask the square footage of your house, He’ll ask how many
people you welcomed into your home.

3…. God won’t ask about the clothes you had in your closet, He’ll ask how
many you helped to clothe.

4… God won’t ask what your highest salary was. He’ll ask if you
compromised your character to obtain it.

5…. God won’t ask what your job title was. He’ll ask if you performed your
job to the best of your ability.

6… God won’t ask how many friends you had. He’ll ask how many people to
whom you were a friend.

7…. God won’t ask in what neighborhood you lived, He’ll ask how you
treated your neighbors.

8…. God won’t ask about the color of your skin, He’ll ask about the
content of your character.

9…. God won’t ask why it took you so long to seek Salvation. He’ll
lovingly take you to your mansion in heaven, and not to the gates of Hell.

10…. God won’t have to ask how many people you forwarded this to, He
already knows your decision.


Made In America

Americans are disillusioned! We are marketed to think that we are “all that” by the names we wear on our backs, arms and by what we drive although we really may not own a thing.  There was a time when we took prided in “Made in America” being displayed on our purchases, but not today. Being a small business owner, it never ceases to amaze me at the women/men who tout “I only wear designer this and that!” or I only shop here or there to assign their financial status as if this truly ranks us.

Ticket on the toll road – In April of 2011 I was in Florida travelling to my granddaughter’s funeral and rented a car. My  arrangements were made in Alabama along with my flight and hotel to take advantage of package savings. I am, by nature, having experienced hard times, not a careless person.  I read the small print at the airport rental booth offering me to purchase a $20.00 toll card to drive on .50 cent toll roads. Well, I drove on a total of 4 toll roads paying my $2.00 for certain. A month after, I notice on my American Express monthly statement a $25.00 toll booth ticket for non-payment. I would never, I mean never, drive through a toll both and not pay 0.50 cents. Why? I am a business owner, home owner, insurance paying, driver license owning American? I know the ticket agencies will penalize me for failure to pay. And I, being me, could use that $24.50 to buy something I could have and keep, not give for nothing.

Could America be in such debt that it has sold toll roads and a lot of its land? – Do you think it could it be a plot of our government to fine certain individuals that they think will not question, what they are be charged with? Yes! We do not know what we are dealing with or facing. America use to be the land of the free but no longer is it the land of the free unless it is in Christ and your YOU is fully grounded, spiritually.

A form of slavery – This is a very down economy and the employment/financial stability is certainly questionable for all of us. Working daily for companies, whose CEO and presidents we may never know but still we walk with out-stretched necks and speak with pride of working here or there but the truth be told, there is no promise. When the role is called for the last man working, your name may be the first to receive a pink slip. Know who provides your provision!!!

Just this evening, plowing through massive amounts of stuff I haven’t seen or used for months helped me realize just how unaware I am of how I respect what I have worked hard for (Money). I am imprisoned by the disarray of disorganization because of the lack of room I have to store (house) stuff I don’t need.  A part of the slavery I have bound myself in is not being my best me. Not being intentional with my choices. Daily I spend unnecessary time looking for things that are ill-fitting and unflattering mistakes I purchased out of habit or because I thought it was a sale I couldn’t turn down. It’s not a sale if you don’t need it, I can hear my husband saying. The merchant is happy I am sure, after all, he has my money, I have his clutter.

Master, Create, Build, Have – What are you the author of, what do you create, what do you really own? Do you search yourself deeply to find the core of the emotional attachment to the things you work your fingers to the bone for??? The day will come when the world as we see it today, will cease to exist and be no more. Man will not be able to buy or sell, then what? Where will you lay your head, where and who will you work for? Whose designer named apparel will you wear and speak of? Made in China, Japan?????? Where? And the MERCHANTS of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.  And the world will marvel at the world’s addiction to abundance and wax coldly.

Freedom – Get out of debt. Minimize your potential fall. Wear this world loosely and be not conformed to the things of this world. Only what we do for Christ will last and in the great getting up morning fair ye well!

Dress Stylish and Look Great

Over and over I hear young women say that they want the perfect man!!! A man that will respect, honor  and cherish  them. Immediately a picture is formed in my mind’s eye of what they are actually saying versus what they are verbalizing.

Here is what I am hearing. As a Christian woman I need a man who will:

  • Love me
  • Respect me
  • Protect me
  • Provide for me
  • Make me feel secure
  • Honor Me
  • Be a good father  to my children

But what is being displayed in most women’s actions appear to be conditional if:

  • I can do what I want to do
  • You buy me what I want so I can win, competitively
  • I don’t have to answer to you
  • You are not my father, don’t tell me what to do
  • I can psychologically control, manipulate and regulate you, based on my insecurities
  • I can you my looks and body to control and manipulate our relationship
  • And…………..I can talk to yo any way I want!

Many women fail to realize that our commitment to be modest and honorable is unto God an our husbands as well. Men can’t honor what they can’t feel comfortable with, therefore the respect is downplayed against self-protection. Men are funny and when women make them feel insecure based on how they dress, communicate, or the manner in which they conduct themselves, men act in reverse of what women are hoping to get! This is what I have learned from my husband who is full of testosterone.

My husband will do anything for me, my family and his tribe if I:

  • Am respectable, the way he can comprehend – this is based on his culture, and what I think is subject to his need first. God knows this is hard for me. I am my Mom’s baby, my grammy’s favorite and they did everything for me, any time!!!!! And after all I am special 🙂 LOL!!!
  • Ask him in a certain way, with a certain tone – Ok, I know he has been out of work for 2 months. It does not matter. He is still the priest of the home and your life. GET IT. He’ll get a job if you empower him; OK?
  • Consult with him as if he is the leader of our family – Practice make perfect and becomes normal. Check your tone! You are not his mother, even if it feels like you are. He would never sleep with his Mom, OK!
  • Put him above all others – He then steps up to the plate consistently because he is aware of my/your needs………………
  • Pray for him continually. God told us to do this.
  • Do not disrespect him or embarrass him, ever. You can disrespect a person with your body language, your secret ways, even in the way you ignore him. I know you have done that before. You know when you hid that bag in the trunk of your trunk and acted like it wasn’t there or that purchase was no big deal 🙂
  • Open up and make your hubby your best friend. It will make a huge difference.

How many times has my husband checked me on my dress — Eyes rolling and me saying sarcastically, that the brothers needed to see God and never mind what I was wearing while I brushed myself a high 5 knowing I looked good to myself! MERCY!!! I needed a change!!!! Confession – As I get a little older I still want to look cute but I don’t need negative attention. Not for myself or my family and neither do you!!!

Christian dress can be both stylish, yet modest. You do not have to look shabby to be a Christ centered woman. Below are some out-fits to consider for the up-coming fall season.

Perfect wardrobe staples:Knee and ankle length  skirts, suits, slacks or jackets in the following colors

  • Black
  • Brown
  • Grey
  • Blue

A great black A-Lined Dress that you can pair with a jacked, sweater, scarf and don’t forget to pin on a flower or dress pin in a contrasting color. You can match your purse and shoes for that special touch!

Sweaters and tunics in bright colors will compliment your staples and lend you that great pulled together look. If you are on a tight budget, THRIFT!!! I find some fabulous finds at my local thrift stores and check with friends, maybe you can start a wardrobe swap. Many people purchase items that don’t look so great on them but would you! So start a new trend!!!! Do a clothes swap and be frugal!!!

Slimmer look ~ Now if you have a tummy or are a size or two larger than you would like this is a cute look you could pull together to make you look smashing for any occasion.

Animal print with a slimming look

Blue is royal and this shade looks great on just about anyone!

Pair this with a pencil shirt, a comfortable heel and you will look amazing!

Now when you select your blouse, pick a color that will compliment your complexion without working your norms…………….I often  am accused of wearing too much black so don’t be like me, look for pretty colors like melons and reds and make sure your lip gloss is in the right shade to compliment that pretty top! Keep flowers and pins to wear in the shade of your accessories (blouse – sweater). This small touch can work wonders for your wardrobe and help you work your staples marvelously!








Your eyes will pop if you pick a color that will brighten your eyes and smile.

Still a black and white combination!

Still a black and white combination!

















Eyes – Naturals, you don’t have to sport  ton of eye-shadow but if you brush a clean pallet of neutrals on your eyes after powdering your face or use a nice complexion perfect color or  mineral make-up to freshen up your look and give you a more cleaned-up look!!!

Should I Wear This

Often times the mornings bring much confusion when I stand in
front of my dis-organized closet that is a plethora of sizes, styles, and
colors. Its funny because I am sure like me, perhaps you to have found
something at your favorite department store of even while thrifting that you
thought you could not live without just to get home and find it just does not
suit you well. Additionally, some items I purchased were emotional spur of the
moment selection that today do not represent my best ME!

As a youthful, Christian woman, I don’t want to dress like an
un-stylish old lady but by the same token, it is my responsibility to show
myself as a vessel where God would comfortably reside.
So…………………….there are times when I have to stop for a minute and
consider how my choices could influence someone in a positive or negative

Tips – think about this when you are making wardrobe selections:

  1. Ask yourself is this garment structured or un-structured, meaning:  what type of undergarment will be needed for this dress, skirt, slacks, or top  for me to have that pulled together, polish look. Its not attractive to see anyone in garments that are ill fitting and overly exposing all the wrong parts 🙂
  2. Am I comfortable wearing this item and does it suit my figure  (don’t force it, if you have to lay on the bed to pull on those jeans, you need  another size)
  3. Can this garment walk me in any door
  4. What about the color – some colors brighten complexions and make  you feel happy, cheerful and bright. do I have enough of these colors in my wardrobe  without looking outlandish. And really you don’t have to have purple hair or colors that look totally un-natural
  5. Would the queen wear this – We are royalty and heirs of the most,  so “How do I look” in this selection, for sure………………….

I could go on and on but I think you get my gist. It is important  for us to give thought to how we look and be certain that our look represents  Christianity and us in our best LIGHT!

Check out Shari Braendel’s site on self representation and dress!

My V and I approve this message!!! Let me know what you think.

Tea Tales and Testimony

Today was an awesome day! I had a chance to host a wedding
reception for a lovely young couple as well as attend the first Madison
Mission’s Women’s Ministry Tea Tales & Testimony. The designated area was
arrayed with pretty summer flowers, pretty colors of yellow and teal! Perfect
for an afternoon tea.

 Some of the lovely ladies adorned
beautiful hats and pretty dressy while others came comfortable and all was
great! I must say that when I saw the women in their hats, I so…………..wanted to have one on. I will the next time but I spent the morning running around working on the wedding reception and a hat would have gotten in the way. But I am looking forward to the next tea so I can plan my hat and outfit. A special thing to do!

A special moment – Tea cup gifting. We all (those of us who remembered) to bring a tea cup, gave it to someone we did not know. We then could greet another woman and gift that cup. I did not gift my second tea cup because it was so unique. It was a beautiful off white cup with a holder for my tea cup and tea to rest on. So nice!!! I will think of the gifter each time I enjoy tea in my cup! A very nice thing to do!!! I will take a picture and up-load it next time.

There were new faces and church friends I see week after week. The nice
thing about the event was that it was relaxing and quite pleasurable.

Health Moment – Dr. Helen Stoddard did a fantastic job covering
everyday health issues with the women at the Tea. She also shared a cute recipe
card featuring an ‘Egg-less French Toast’. Be sure to check out her website at

Carmen Hope-Thomas, Nicola Baker and company did a great job
pulling all the details of our event together to make it a success.

The food was excellent! Vegetarian Chicken Salad with Cranberries, Vegetarian Sea Food Medley, homemade, healthy good for you soup, summer sweet fruit bash, fresh tea, crackers and breads, cheese, cake made with no bad FATS :)!!!!!…………………………….. All freshly made with love!

Collectively we all spoke of wanting nice things to do together
and events that feature clean wholesomeness that keeps us in line with our
beliefs and commitment to be Christian women. Here are a few!

Upcoming Events:

They Say – Hosted by The Women’s Ministry Leader: Valerie Rowan.

What is “They Say”

Clean!!!!Open Expressions of Your Hearts and Minds

Mic Night  If your thing is clean then the Mic is open to you!

Poetry & Spoken Word Clean Poetry with no profanity, Inspirational Words, Clean Poems You are welcome to bring but bring it Clean

SoulFul Melodies Bring your Clean Joyful melodies.

Hup Nite: Can you work a Hup “Hula Hup”

Comedy – Grammy.ORG…………………. Sister Jenkins

This event is held the 2nd Thursday of each month at the Crystal
Chalet. The CC is located at 2105 West Mastin Lake Road, Suite M from 7-9 PM.
Snacks are served and the admission is a donation of no less than $5.00.


Our Time, Our Place – A Relaxation Retreat For Women
Are you feeling stressed out and overwhelmed with life?
Are you always putting others first and neglecting self care?
Do you need a time and place to recharge, renew and relax?
If you answered yes to any one of the above questions, its time for you to take a break from the never-ending  demands you face daily.  Its time to make self care a priority in order to
•become more efficient and effective in handling those demands
•gain a sense of serenity in a world that places a high premium on busy-ness.
Our Time, Our Place is a relaxation retreat designed to address the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of women just like you.  It provides you with an opportunity to exhale in an environment that is conducive for developing an appreciation for nature and the simple things of life.
Our all-inclusive retreat package includes:
•2 nights lodging
•All meals
•Individual and group exercises
•Seminars on caring for your body, mind, and soul
•Follow up seminars that assist in keeping you focused on the lifestyle changes essential for achieving a Balanced, Better, Beauty(ful) YOU from the inside out.

Call 256-585-0206 or 256-746-9002 today to register for our next retreat !

For More Information Visit the Website at!__retreats

Soul Sundays Hosted by Carmen Hope-Thomas. Soul Sundays is held the
2nd Sunday of each month at the Crystal Chalet from 5-7. Dinner is
available. The doors open at 3PM. Come early!

Women’s Ministry will meet each month the 3rd Sunday and we will
announce the location and events! Remember to check out our website for updates, mentions and events at:

Valerie, Your humble servant!