Now Faith

As a married Christian business owner my daily walk with Christ is represented in how I trust God. In the past quarter, I opened a new business, The Crystal Chalet and it consumed all of my disposable cash and my husband invested quite a bit to. Normally in the summer, owning a retail body-care store, my sales decline as do the rest of the world’s. Our economic plummet,  also suggested that I should cut hours during those summer months and normally I do.

Well, this year I did not cut hours and I also spent the funds that I would have normally used as a cushion so I had to trust God. Monday morning having my normal chit-chat with my hubby he asked about my financial condition and admitted to me that if he was facing what he knew I was, my deficit would cause him great concern. I immediately told him that for me there was no place for that level of concern because I knew that I had to trust God. Not only did I start this new venture but families depend on my financial decisions for their livelihood so I trust God to be a part of our success.

Sunday as a part of my routine, I dialed my 1-800 banking norm and the numbers were not pretty. My faith kicked in over-drive because I knew that my online scheduled bill pay would just do it’s thing. God is a good God. I went to work and went about my day as normal except my level of expectancy was increased because I knew that it would take God to make up the shortage. God loves us so much and is so intimately aware of our needs and I was reminded of this so graciously when at the end of the day I had more than enough to cover my bill pay drafts but build my confidence even more. In the bible when it says that if we would use our God given talent, that they would make room for us, they will. I rejoice because I know that if I keep God first in everything that I do, He will cause the necessary increase, not just for me, but for all that trust him and obey.

Today I say; Yeah though I walk through the valley of death, evil and uncertainty, I will fear no evil or live in anxiety because I know that God is with ME! Again, this is Ms. Val and I approve this message!

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